Announcing the livestock and gender data community

LD4D and partners will host discussions to support learning and innovation on livestock and gender data
By Anni McLeod
In recent years, livestock project funders have asked for more gender responsive programmes. The theme for this year's International Women's Day is "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow" and there is certainly scope for this in livestock development projects! But how do we as project implementors know when we've achieved this aim? And what are the effects of being gender responsive on the households and communities in project areas? Private investors have shown cautious interest in how being gender responsive affects their business opportunities. Members of LD4D, the Livestock Data for Decisions network, have also expressed great interest in gender and livestock.
Responding to these demands, the LD4D secretariat are pleased to co-host a new community of practice together with members of the International Livestock Research Institute's gender team.
Who is it for? Any member of LD4D who is interested in understanding more about collecting, analysing and interpreting livestock and gender data.
What will you get out of it? If you join the community you’ll be invited to monthly interactive discussion sessions hosted by livestock and gender experts Beth Miller (SEBI-Livestock) and Alessandra Galiè (ILRI). You'll also have a chance to help shape bigger, more structured meetings hosted by LD4D - which we're calling "Community Conversations". Our first session is scheduled for 14 June 2022 – Save the date!
Want to join the conversation? Please contact
Further reading
Anni McLeod works as a consultant to SEBI-Livestock, which convenes the LD4D community of practice.
Header photo: A dairy entrepreneur in Nakuru, Kenya meets with a researcher from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Photo: G. Smith (ILRI). (source)