
New 'feed baskets' initiative to improve data and evidence on livestock diets

Georgina Smith (CIAT)

The project will address data gaps on what animals are eating and where, to inform better decisions on livestock and the environment, food supplies and more.

What animals eat has a big impact on the climate and environment, on productivity of livestock farming systems, and on farmer income. For example, we need better data on livestock diets to understand greenhouse gas emissions from livestock, and design strategies to improve feed supplies. In 2024-2025, a new collaboration between the LD4D Network and Cornell University’s Food Systems and Global Change programme aims to identify decision-makers who use feed-basket data and understand the key barriers they face.

What are feed baskets?

Livestock may eat feeds such as grasses, grains, crop residues or crop by-products. 'Feed baskets' refer to the total mix of feed animals eat in a particular place or context. Feed baskets data can be represented at national, regional or farm levels, and be broken down by species or farm types.

Why is it critical to have data on livestock diets?

There are many important uses for feed basket data. For instance, to tackle climate change impacts of the global livestock sector, we need good data on what animals are fed to understand associated greenhouse gas emissions. Detail of current feeding practices will enable modelling of current emissions and help inform national-level strategies for reducing these emissions.

A more accurate representation of what animals are currently eating would also improve the ability to predict animal feed requirements and design strategies to improve feed supplies. This could be at a farm or national level.

How can feed baskets assessments and data be improved?

There are significant gaps or inconsistencies in feed basket data, especially in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). For example, data is scarce on digestibility of feeds, which is a key determinant of emissions.

There is also a need for better characterisations of feed baskets in different production systems in different contexts. This would allow for more accurate assessments of the overall impacts of the livestock sector, as well as more nuanced representation at a national or subnational level.

We believe that these challenges require a coordinated effort. Different decision-makers have different needs for livestock data and may require data at different scales. They also have varying capacities to collect data. By working together, we can combine efforts and produce a more robust dataset that is suitable for a range of contexts.

The integration of analyses at different scales requires data that is consistent and comparable across those scales. In the same way, we need to develop a common understanding of the baseline data in order to undertake a range of analyses using different methodologies. We also need sector-level feed basket data at adequate resolutions, that can be scaled up.  Scaling up this data can enable countries to include a more robust assessment of the livestock sector in their international commitments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (known as Nationally Determined Contributions).

Aims of the scoping study

This initiative aims to conduct a comprehensive scoping analysis to identify decision-makers who use feed-basket data and understand the key barriers they face. The findings will establish a solid foundation for a future Solutions Group to address specific feed-related data gaps through innovative data solutions. By understanding stakeholder priorities, this collaboration seeks to align data solutions with real-world needs, ensuring meaningful impact.

The main goals of this study are:

  • Map Stakeholders and Their Needs - Conduct a comprehensive landscape analysis to identify key decision-makers categorizing them according to common challenges and data requirements.

  • Enhance Dialogue and Collaboration - Share the findings with the LD4D network and engage members in providing feedback, facilitating collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to build consensus on priorities and approaches.

  • Develop a Foundation for a Solutions Group - Identify and prioritize actionable solutions to overcome feed-basket data challenges such as gaps in feed composition, availability, cost, gender implications, and environmental impact.  

Next steps

LD4D will host a virtual ‘show and tell’ event in late 2024, inviting organisations and individuals working on feed basket data to highlight their improvements and innovations. This will inform a preliminary report on feed-basket data challenges and key decision makers in the field. LD4D members will have an opportunity to learn about these interim findings and discuss these via a follow-up webinar in Spring 2025.

The initiative wil produce a final report outlining the needs for feed basket data, identifying barriers to progress, and highlighting promising solutions. This report will inform a proposal for a new LD4D Solutions Group, which can work on addressing a specific data challenge for decision-making.

Learn more about feed baskets