Gender in livestock value chains - LD4D Community Conversation

A community discussions on the gendered impacts of formalising value chains.
Development interventions involving small-scale livestock producers and agripreneurs frequently result in a transition from informal markets towards formalised value chains.
But can men and women engaged with livestock value chains always participate in these market opportunities in the same way? What are typical barriers for women that are easy to overlook? What are good practices that won't leave women behind?
Have you encountered these issues? Join other interested development professionals to share your challenges and learnings, and discuss how to monitor and measure the gendered impacts of formalising value chains.
This 90-minute conversation is open to livestock and gender professionals, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation experts, and anyone else who is interested in making livestock development projects more gender equitable.
This is an opportunity to contribute to an ongoing initiative on gender in livestock development facilitat
A community discussions on the gendered impacts of formalising value chains.
Development interventions involving small-scale livestock producers and agripreneurs frequently result in a transition from informal markets towards formalised value chains.
But can men and women engaged with livestock value chains always participate in these market opportunities in the same way? What are typical barriers for women that are easy to overlook? What are good practices that won't leave women behind?
Have you encountered these issues? Join other interested development professionals to share your challenges and learnings, and discuss how to monitor and measure the gendered impacts of formalising value chains.
This 90-minute conversation is open to livestock and gender professionals, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation experts, and anyone else who is interested in making livestock development projects more gender equitable.
This is an opportunity to contribute to an ongoing initiative on gender in livestock development facilitated by SEBI-Livestock and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), and hosted by the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Network.
In addition to a vigorous exchange of experience and knowledge, we will document and share our learnings more broadly later this year.
Watch the recording
Vicki Wilde
Vicki Wilde is a Senior Program Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Agricultural Development team. She is responsible for the Women’s Empowerment portfolio. In addition to managing grants aimed at empowering women in farming households and agribusiness, she works closely with the foundation’s teams for nutrition, crops, livestock, markets, data, and policy. Before joining the foundation in 2014, she had 30 years’ work experience in agricultural development.
Alessandra Galiè
Dr Alessandra Galiè leads the gender team at ILRI. She conducts research on gender in livestock value chains with a focus on gender analysis in genetics, empowerment and nutrition and food security. Before joining ILRI she worked at the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) on gendered empowerment, seed governance and participatory plant breeding. She also worked in the NGO sector. She holds a PhD from Wageningen University and an MA in social anthropology of development from the University of London.
Beth Miller
Dr Beth Miller is a veterinarian with 30 years of experience with integrating animal health and social justice in international development. A graduate of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine in the USA, Dr. Miller has owned and operated a small-scale goat dairy and private veterinary practice in the USA. For 10 years, she served as Director of Gender Equity for Heifer International, which uses livestock as an entry point for sustainable community development. She is the principal at Miller Agricultural Consulting LLT, and has worked with donors, researchers and local stakeholders to ensure that livestock investments and interventions benefit women as well as men. She served as President of the International Goat Association from 2016-2021, and sits of the Board of Directors. She is committed to a future where healthy livestock contribute to gender equality, sustainable human livelihoods and a flourishing environment.
Anni McLeod
Dr. Anni McLeod is an agricultural economist, specialising in livestock economics and policy and the management of organisations and projects. She has worked for 30 years with governments, international agencies and research systems worldwide. For seven years Anni served as Senior Livestock Policy Officer in the Animal Production and Health Division of FAO, where her portfolio covered many aspects of livestock sector analysis, policy advice and organisational strategy. She also co-led FAO’s culture change initiative and contributed to the strategy for the gender programme. Since 2011 Anni has operated as an independent consultant from her home base in Scotland.
Isabelle Baltenweck
Isabelle Baltenweck is a Program Leader for Policies, Institutions and Livelihoods at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). She is a development economist with twenty years’ experience in agricultural systems in Africa, South and South-East Asia, focusing on livestock value chains. Isabelle has increasingly sharpened her skills in gender and social equality research, looking at how women and men’s needs and capabilities differ on terms of accessing and using technologies and practices. She has worked at the interface of research and development, working with private sector, farmers’ groups, ministries, NGOs and investors
Header photo: A husband and wife display their new improved dairy calf in Homa Bay, Western Kenya. Photo Credit: M.Njiru (AVCD/ILRI) (source)
tock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Network.
In addition to a vigorous exchange of experience and knowledge, we will document and share our learnings more broadly later this year.
Watch the recording
Vicki Wilde
Vicki Wilde is a Senior Program Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Agricultural Development team. She is responsible for the Women’s Empowerment portfolio. In addition to managing grants aimed at empowering women in farming households and agribusiness, she works closely with the foundation’s teams for nutrition, crops, livestock, markets, data, and policy. Before joining the foundation in 2014, she had 30 years’ work experience in agricultural development.
Alessandra Galiè
Dr Alessandra Galiè leads the gender team at ILRI. She conducts research on gender in livestock value chains with a focus on gender analysis in genetics, empowerment and nutrition and food security. Before joining ILRI she worked at the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) on gendered empowerment, seed governance and participatory plant breeding. She also worked in the NGO sector. She holds a PhD from Wageningen University and an MA in social anthropology of development from the University of London.
Beth Miller
Dr Beth Miller is a veterinarian with 30 years of experience with integrating animal health and social justice in international development. A graduate of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine in the USA, Dr. Miller has owned and operated a small-scale goat dairy and private veterinary practice in the USA. For 10 years, she served as Director of Gender Equity for Heifer International, which uses livestock as an entry point for sustainable community development. She is the principal at Miller Agricultural Consulting LLT, and has worked with donors, researchers and local stakeholders to ensure that livestock investments and interventions benefit women as well as men. She served as President of the International Goat Association from 2016-2021, and sits of the Board of Directors. She is committed to a future where healthy livestock contribute to gender equality, sustainable human livelihoods and a flourishing environment.
Anni McLeod
Dr. Anni McLeod is an agricultural economist, specialising in livestock economics and policy and the management of organisations and projects. She has worked for 30 years with governments, international agencies and research systems worldwide. For seven years Anni served as Senior Livestock Policy Officer in the Animal Production and Health Division of FAO, where her portfolio covered many aspects of livestock sector analysis, policy advice and organisational strategy. She also co-led FAO’s culture change initiative and contributed to the strategy for the gender programme. Since 2011 Anni has operated as an independent consultant from her home base in Scotland.
Isabelle Baltenweck
Isabelle Baltenweck is a Program Leader for Policies, Institutions and Livelihoods at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). She is a development economist with twenty years’ experience in agricultural systems in Africa, South and South-East Asia, focusing on livestock value chains. Isabelle has increasingly sharpened her skills in gender and social equality research, looking at how women and men’s needs and capabilities differ on terms of accessing and using technologies and practices. She has worked at the interface of research and development, working with private sector, farmers’ groups, ministries, NGOs and investors
Header photo: A husband and wife display their new improved dairy calf in Homa Bay, Western Kenya. Photo Credit: M.Njiru (AVCD/ILRI) (source)