Summer Session: Counting cows in South Sudan using satellite imagery

Discover how satellites are being used for South Sudan's first cattle census in 50 years
Dan Smaranda (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Data Science Hub) shares how his team are conducting a cattle census in South Sudan using satellite imagery. Livestock are critical to the livelihoods of millions of South Sudanese, but the current livestock population is largely unknown. New cattle estimates are needed to inform policies and investments. A traditional census is not possible due to the volatile security situation across the country, so satellites offer an innovative alternative.
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About the LD4D Summer Sessions
The Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Community of Practice presented a series of learning events to showcase the work of its members. The LD4D Summer Sessions took place in July and August 2021 and offered unique insights into tools, techniques, and opportunities, with plenty of time for interaction and networking. These 1-hour sessions were aimed at researchers, project implementers, industry and funders who work in livestock development.
- View the full list of Summer Sessions
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