LD4D Summer Sessions
Discover the latest innovations in livestock data
In July and August 2021, the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Community of Practice ran a series of learning events to showcase the work of its members. The LD4D Summer Sessions offered unique insights into tools, techniques, and opportunities, with plenty of time for interaction and networking. These 1-hour sessions were aimed at researchers, project implementers, industry and funders who work in livestock development.
Catch up on the sessions
AgriTrack: tracking farmer demand for agrovet products in Kenya
Tues 27 July 2021, 13:00 BST (GMT+1)
Join John Muthee from AgNexus to explore the AgriTrack tool, which collects monthly data on farmer spending from agrovet dealers. Discover how AgriTrack helps manufacturers, vendors, and other supply chain actors make better decisions relating to marketing, pricing, packaging, and supply of agrovet products.
FEAST Global Data Repository: open data on livestock feed interventions for smallholder farmers
Thurs 5 August 2021, 13:00 BST (GMT+1)
Join Simon Fraval from the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security, University of Edinburgh, to explore the latest features of the FEAST Global Data Repository, a rich source of information on livestock feed interventions for smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
The "LastMile” Mobile App: digital innovation for animal health in Africa
Tues 10 August 2021, 13:00 BST (GMT+1)
Join Lamyaa Al-Riyami (GALVmed) and Emilie Veillat (the Veterinary Public Health Center at Boehringer Ingelheim) to discover the LastMile mobile app, a new tool to monitor day-to-day livestock health management activities. The app supports accurate data collection and tracking, and helps teams stay connected with farmers, retailers and veterinarians. The app is part of the LastMile initiative, which works to improve access, availability, and awareness of animal healthcare solutions for smallholder farmers in Africa. LastMile is established by Boehringer Ingelheim, with support from the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed).
Task Mate (beta) by Google: a novel tool for crowdsourcing data collection
Weds 11 Aug, 16:00 BST (GMT+1)
Join us for an exclusive product overview and demo of Google’s early-stage crowdsourcing data collection platform, Task Mate (beta). Discover how digital organizations and researchers alike use Task Mate (beta) to quickly create locally relevant, custom datasets to improve AI / ML model accuracy or inform local insights. This experimental product is from Google’s Next Billion Users Initiative and connects organizations with a diverse network of local ‘Taskers’ in India, Mexico and Kenya who earn money for completing simple data tasks on their mobile devices.
Counting cows in South Sudan using satellite imagery
Thurs 12 August, 13:00 BST (GMT+1)
Join Dan Smaranda (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Data Science Hub) to learn how his team are conducting a cattle census in South Sudan using satellite imagery. Livestock are critical to the livelihoods of millions of South Sudanese, but the current livestock population is largely unknown. New cattle estimates are needed to inform policies and investments. A traditional census is not possible due to the volatile security situation across the country, so satellites offer an innovative alternative.
The global Rangelands Atlas: building the evidence base for better decisions
Mon 16 August 2021, 11:00 BST (GMT+1)
Join Fiona Flintan from the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) to explore the recently-launched global Rangelands Atlas, which draws upon existing global datasets to show how issues such as climate change, biodiversity, land degradation and deforestation play out in rangelands. The Atlas offers evidence for restoring or building resilience in rangeland communities, and is the first step towards the development of a global rangelands data platform.
Tags from text: an automated tool to standardise livestock terminology
Tues 17 August 2021, 13:00 BST (GMT+1)
Join Alexander Robertson (University of Edinburgh Bayes Centre) to explore a prototype tool for automatically creating tags from text. The tagging tool was developed to help the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) community standardise terminology on common types of livestock data. Join the session to discover how the tool works and help test and improve it for community use.
More information
- Find out more about the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Community of Practice
- Sign up for the LD4D newsletter to get the latest news and events announcements
- Follow @LD4D_Community on twitter for regular updates from the community
- Please get in touch with the organisers by email if you have questions or suggestions
SEBI-Livestock does not endorse or receive financial gains from any of the companies or organisations featured in our event series.