dataset Ethiopia Tanzania Nigeria African Chicken Genetic Gains Contributors African Chicken Genetic Gains
dataset Tanzania African Chicken Genetic Gains - Tanzania Baseline Contributors African Chicken Genetic Gains
dataset Tanzania Evaluation of Tanzania Dairy Development Forum Contributors International Livestock Research Institute
dataset Tanzania AFRICA RISING - Intensification of Livestock Forage Rations Contributors International Livestock Research Institute
dataset Tanzania Africa RISING - Integrated Livestock and Crop Management (shelterbelt) Contributors International Livestock Research Institute
dataset Tanzania Food Demand and Individual Dietary Diversity and Women’s Empowerment in Livestock Index in Tanzania Contributors International Livestock Research Institute
dataset Tanzania AFRICA RISING - The effect of nutrition management on the performance of local chickens in Tanzania Contributors International Livestock Research Institute
dataset Tanzania Ethiopia African Dairy Genetic Gains Contributors International Livestock Research Institute
dataset Tanzania Ethiopia Market Survey ADGG - Genetic Assay Crossbred:Local Contributors International Livestock Research Institute
dataset Tanzania Ethiopia Nigeria Research project in human geography (AFRINT (I,II,III,IV)) Contributors LiveGAPS