Our story

Photo: Zerihun Sewunet (ILRI)

Why does livestock data matter?

The livestock sector plays a significant role in our society, economy and environment. In low- and middle-income countries, hundreds of millions of people depend on livestock for nutritious food, income, and on-farm assistance. However, poor animal health and low productivity remain critical problems in these areas. Productive livestock can lift smallholders out of poverty and improve the food security of vulnerable communities. Good evidence is needed in order to optimise the strategies and investments that can support the livestock sector’s sustainable development.

The LD4D Network

Driving better livestock decision making through improved data and analysis

Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) was launched in 2017 as 30-person community of practice. It has since evolved into a network with over 1600 members worldwide. LD4D members includes data producers, data users, livestock advocates, and other key actors from academia, industry, not-for-profit and intergovernmental agencies.

LD4D encourages its members to access and share expert knowledge and innovations, and work together on practical solutions to livestock challenges. Together, we work to make better use of existing data and analysis and collaborate on innovative, demand-driven data solutions.


Impact statement

LD4D supports sustainable and inclusive livestock systems by leveraging data and evidence to inform policies, investments, and strategies. ​

Recognizing the vital role women play in livestock production, LD4D places a strong emphasis on gender equality, addressing the unique challenges faced by them.


Livestockdata.org is a platform for evidence generated through the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) community, as well as useful evidence from other expert sources.

The website is maintained by the Centre for Supporting Evidence Based Interventions in Livestock (SEBI-Livestock), which acts as the secretariat for the LD4D community.