
A Landscaping Analysis of Working Equid Population Numbers in LMICs, with Policy Recommendations


Fiona K Allan 2021. A Landscaping Analysis of Working Equid Population Numbers in LMICs, with Policy Recommendations.

This study aimed to understand the landscape of working equid population numbers, including the problems and challenges in data collection. 


The global equid population is estimated to be around 116 million, but data for donkey, horse and 
mule populations are highly variable and often lacking. Working equid populations are often ‘invisible’ due to data gaps. Good data is essential for informing future policy development. A scoping review methodology was used to examine the available literature and data, looking at donkeys, horses and mules, as well as traditional production livestock species, to provide context and comparison for how different species’ data are represented.

Report: A Landscaping Analysis of Working Equid Population Numbers in LMICs, with Policy Recommendations




Header photo: Donkeys on a farm in Senegal. Photo: F. Dowson (Brooke Action for Working Horses and Donkeys).