
Presentation slides: solutions for gender-inclusive livestock vaccine systems

Photo credit: Evelyn Baraké (IDRC)


Evelyn Baraké, Awin Peter, Nargiza Ludgate, Salome Bukachi, Hellen Amuguni 2023. Presentation slides: solutions for gender-inclusive livestock vaccine systems.

These slides were presented at the 19 September 2023 webinar "Solutions for gender-inclusive livestock vaccine systems", hosted by the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) community of practice on livestock & gender data.


Evelyn Baraké, Program Officer, IDRC - Introduction to IDRC and LVIF 

Awin Peter, CEO Cowtribe- WomenRear project (Ghana) 

Nargiza Ludgate, Assistant Scholar, University of Florida, International Center- Advancing Women’s Participation in Livestock Vaccine Value Chains in Nepal, Senegal and Uganda 

Salome Bukachi, Associate Professor, Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies, University of Nairobi - Gender-Inclusive Vaccine Ecosystem (GIVE) project (Kenya) 

Hellen Amuguni, Associate Professor, Department of Infectious Disease and Global Health, Tufts University - SheVax+ project (Rwanda,Kenya and Uganda)