
LD4D Steering Committee Terms of Reference


LD4D Steering Committee Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference for LD4D Steering Committee Members

1. Scope

The LD4D Steering Committee works to support the overarching vision of LD4D to drive better livestock decisions through improved data generation and use in line with the LD4D Strategic Plan 2021-2025. This will be done by identifying strategic priorities, highlighting risks, providing oversight on key initiatives including working groups and ensuring financial sustainability.


2.1 The Steering Committee

The main role of the LD4D Steering Committee is to advise on the overall strategic direction of the LD4D community. The Steering Committee is responsible for:

  • Providing guidance on priority areas and strategic actions
  • Identifying and promoting opportunities to move LD4D towards a sustainable financial model
  • Overseeing the implementation of LD4D communities of practice, working groups and other key activities
  • Reviewing LD4D annual plan and five-year strategy

2.2  Steering Committee Members 

Individual Steering Committee members are responsible for:

  • Providing strategic advice based on their area of expertise
  • Championing LD4D within the international livestock sector
  • Attending Steering Committee meetings and providing direction

3. Membership

The Committee will comprise between 10 to 15 members led by a Chairperson. The Committee will include members with expertise and interest in the livestock sector and in improving data quality, availability and accessibility. Should a vacancy arise on the Steering Committee, the LD4D network will be invited to nominate individuals to fill the position. Proposed candidates will be reviewed and selected by the LD4D Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee will strive to achieve gender balance and equitable geographical representation among its membership. The Committee will also aim to have representation from a wide range of stakeholders including but not limited to: 

  • Intergovernmental organisations
  • Private sector
  • Civil society
  • Academia

Members can serve up to two terms on the committee, a term lasts 3 years. Up to 50% of the committee would be expected to rotate off after 3 years. There will also be an opportunity to rotate off annually which will allow for natural evolution of the committee.

The Steering Committee will seek permanent representation from the following organisations:

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • World Bank
  • World Organisation for Animal Health
  • Donor agencies
  • International Livestock Research Institute

These organisations have been chosen due to their global reach and influence in the livestock sector as well as their important role as users and providers of data. When current members from these organisations have served their term or they can no longer be part of the Steering Committee for other reasons, their organisation will be invited to nominate a successor with relevant knowledge and interest in the livestock sector.

The Steering Committee may invite specialists or guest speakers to meetings if members decide that additional expertise would be valuable to decision making.

4. The Chair

The Chair will provide overall leadership to the Steering Committee. The Chair is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the Steering Committee is operating within its remit and fulfils the responsibilities outlined in this Terms of Reference
  • Facilitating consensus among membership on strategic decisions
  • Liaising with LD4D Secretariat and SEBI-Livestock to define meeting goals and agenda

The Steering Committee will nominate one of its members to be the Chairperson. The Chair can serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms.

5. LD4D Steering Committee meetings

Steering Committee meetings with be held four times a year.  One of which will be an obligatory in person meeting.  Additional special subject meetings may be arranged if needed. The LD4D Secretariat and SEBI-Livestock will work with the LD4D Steering Committee Chair to plan the meetings. Background papers and agenda will be shared two weeks in advance of the meeting. The minutes for each Steering Committee meeting will be prepared by a member of the LD4D team and made available to all members.

A minimum of 60% of committee members’ presence is required for a meeting to take place. The LD4D Secretariat will make efforts to define a date, time and location for meetings that is convenient to most members. Members who are unable to attend will be required to provide comments on any background papers prior to the meeting.  If the Chairperson is not available to chair the meeting an Acting Chair must be selected from the Steering Committee membership or LD4D Secretariat.

6. Resources and budget

SEBI-Livestock will provide secretariat support to the LD4D Steering Committee. Should funds be required to support the activities of the Committee, a request should be made to the Secretariat. The Secretariat will cover expenses associated with in-person meetings.

7. Strategic Documents

The LD4D Annual Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis at the annual LD4D Steering Committee meeting. The Strategic Plan will be reviewed every 5 years.